Insiders say Xbox has planned its first-party game lineup for 10 to 15 years in advance
Insiders say Xbox has planned its first-party game lineup for 10 to 15 years in advance
المؤلف : BitTopup | نشر في : 2023-12-25T09:00:20.000Z
[Insiders say Xbox has planned its first-party game lineup for 10 to 15 years in advance] In the latest XboxEra podcast, insider Nick Baker said that Xbox’s future game lineup will be bright. When discussing the company's future plans, he revealed: "Microsoft has currently planned a game roadmap for 10 to 15 years, because they now have sufficient resources." Under normal circumstances, game manufacturers' plans do not exceed 5 years. ~10 years, but with the completion of Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard (plus its previous acquisitions of companies such as ZeniMax), its first-party studios may be one step ahead of others in the industry after their expansion. Previously, officials have repeatedly revealed that a first-party game will be launched every three months. This year, games such as "Perfect Soundwave", "Starry Sky" and "Forza Motorsport" were provided. It is currently known that games such as "Hellblade 2" and "Oath" will be released next year.