Sonic IP continues to expand, and various projects performed well, but "Superstar" did not meet expectations.
Sonic IP continues to expand, and various projects performed well, but "Superstar" did not meet expectations.
著者 : BitTopup | 公開日 : 2024/12/16
[Sonic IP continues to expand, and various projects performed well but "Superstar" did not meet expectations] Sega Chairman Uchimi Shufumi recently admitted in an interview with the media Eurogamer that "Sonic: Superstar" did not meet Sega's expectations (officially in the In an investor Q&A session in February, it was stated that the crash of "Mario Surprise" was one of the reasons for poor sales). This game is the latest in the 2D side-scrolling Sonic series, launched in October last year. Utsumi said: In terms of innovation, "Unknown Frontier" has achieved good results, but the results of "Superstar" in the classic genre are somewhat disappointing.
Utsumi said that the newly launched "Sonic x Shadow: Generations Reboot" is performing well. The company is expanding Sonic's reach through a cross-media strategy, and its games will remain at the core of the franchise. Sega announced "Sonic Racing: Cross World" at this year's TGA, and the release date has not yet been announced.