"Baldur's Gate 3" is the game that won the most awards of the year in 2023, with "Tears of the Kingdom" second

"Baldur's Gate 3" is the game that won the most awards of the year in 2023, with "Tears of the Kingdom" second

["Baldur's Gate 3" is the game with the most annual awards in 2023, and "Tears of the Kingdom" is second] According to Award Tracker

PS+2/3 new games in December are now online

PS+2/3 new games in December are now online

[PS+ 2/3 new games in December are now online] The PSN HK store has now launched the 2/3 membership library for December 2023

Interview with the development team of "Rise of Ronin": an open world masterpiece born out of "Nioh"

Interview with the development team of "Rise of Ronin": an open world masterpiece born out of "Nioh"

[Interview with the development team of "Rise of Ronin": an open world masterpiece born out of "Nioh"] Koei Tecmo's new work "Rise of Ronin" will be released on March 22 next year

Winter's Tale: Update 1.14 released

Winter's Tale: Update 1.14 released

The weather is getting colder, but the last update of 2023 is just around the corner! Spend this festive season with Winter’s Tale, starting with the content

Epic gave away 395 games in five years, and the 16-day streak starts immediately

Epic gave away 395 games in five years, and the 16-day streak starts immediately

[Epic is giving away 395 games in five years, and the 16-day streak starts immediately] The official account of the Epic Game Mall announced today a video titled "5 Years

Steam Deck continues to lead the way! The new Steam sales list is released

Steam Deck continues to lead the way! The new Steam sales list is released

【Steam Deck continues to lead the way! The new issue of Steam sales list is released] The new issue of Steam sales list (December 12

It's over, we will all be surrounded by beauties! The "tsunami" of live-action interactive film and television games is approaching. Should domestic stand-alone players be pessimistic?

It's over, we will all be surrounded by beauties! The "tsunami" of live-action interactive film and television games is approaching. Should domestic stand-alone players be pessimistic?

[It’s over, we are all going to be surrounded by beauties! The "tsunami" of live-action interactive film and television games is approaching. Should domestic stand-alone players be pessimistic? ] "It's finished!" I was

PlayStation game PC version sales leaked, "Spider-Man 2" and "Wolverine" confirmed to be released on PC

PlayStation game PC version sales leaked, "Spider-Man 2" and "Wolverine" confirmed to be released on PC

[PlayStation game PC version sales leaked, "Spider-Man 2" and "Wolverine" confirmed to be released on PC] In the insomnia group released by hackers today

Leaked documents show Sony may be more concerned about Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard than people think

Leaked documents show Sony may be more concerned about Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard than people think

[Leaked documents show Sony’s concerns about Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard may be higher than people imagine] Microsoft spends $69 billion to acquire Activision

"Ratchet & Clank: Time Skip" has accumulated global sales of more than 2.2 million, with a loss of US$8 million

"Ratchet & Clank: Time Skip" has accumulated global sales of more than 2.2 million, with a loss of US$8 million

["Ratchet & Clank: Time Skip" has global cumulative sales of over 2.2 million, with a loss of US$8 million] According to the internal documents of the Insomnia Group recently released by hackers


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