Recruitment information shows that the sequel to "Pinocchio's Lie" will be created using Unreal 5
Recruitment information shows that the sequel to "Pinocchio's Lie" will be created using Unreal 5
作者 : BitTopup | 發佈於 : 2024/01/02
[Recruitment information shows that the sequel to "Pinocchio's Lie" will be created using Unreal 5] Jiwon Choi, the director of "Pinocchio's Lie", has previously confirmed that the game's DLC and sequel are under development. Recently, developer/publisher Neowiz Games A recruitment announcement has been posted for this next project. According to the content description, the sequel will be built using Unreal Engine 5. The team’s goal is to provide first-class graphics, exquisite level design and intense action experience. "Pinocchio's Lie" is a soul-like work produced using Unreal Engine 4. The game was released in September last year. One month after its release, it was officially announced that the game's sales exceeded 1 million copies (it was first entered into XGP).