Jeff Grubb says Sony may launch new "Astrobot" title
Jeff Grubb says Sony may launch new "Astrobot" title
المؤلف : BitTopup | نشر في : 2024-02-15T11:00:03.000Z
[Jeff Grubb said Sony may launch a new "Space Robot" work] Although Sony has claimed that it will not launch new works with major IPs in the next fiscal year, well-known whistleblower Jeff Grubb said that Sony may release other well-known, but not top-level IPs. s work. For example, "Rise of Ronin" and "Concord" have been confirmed, but he also heard rumors that the new "Space Robot" will also be released this year.
The latest work in the "Space Robot" series is the 2020 "Space Robot Wireless Controller User Guide". Then in 2021, Team Asobi, the developer of the "Space Robot" series, revealed in the recruitment information that the team is developing a new 3D action game.