A Realm Reborn include 30 days of game time. Heavensward and Stormblood are requires base game A Realm Reborn. Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows)
اختر الفئة

FFXIV 60 Days Game Time Card (US)
USD 29.22
USD 29.22
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الفعاليات والعروض

The new "Battlefield" game may not be released until 2025

In-depth experience report of "Gu Long Fengyun Lu": He Luo is the sword, the ancient dragon is the scabbard, and the new martial arts overflows with the flavor of He Luo

Former SIE Studios President: The unsustainability of high-budget AAA games will be discussed more this year

MC Station's list of the best PlayStation games in 2023 is released: "Baldur's Gate 3" takes the first place

SIE looks ahead to 2024 PlayStation gaming highlights

The “How Do You Want to Spend the Holidays” themed event in “Sprawl 3” will be held on January 13 next year
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