"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews

"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews

Author : BitTopup | Publish at : 2023-12-30 20:02:47

["It's finished" imitation "It's finished!" I can also chase beautiful women! "Steam reviews have mixed reviews] "It's over!" is a real-person interactive love simulation as its selling point. I'm surrounded by beautiful women! " became an instant hit this year, and many works imitating its model have emerged. We have also reported on it before. Yesterday, one of them was titled "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! "The work is released on Steam, and the game is priced at only 5.4 yuan. Although the names of the two games are very similar, judging from the reviews, this game seems to be incomparable with the previous "Finished". There are currently about 134 user reviews on Steam, of which the positive rate is only 49%, and the overall review is "mixed". The negative reviews from users mainly focus on the obvious traces of plagiarism in the game, the actual content is rough, and the overall process is too short. Most of the users who give positive reviews are also because of the extremely low price of the game. The production team left a message in some comments saying that joining the official group can give players photo benefits. The popularity of a new game model is bound to lead to the emergence of a large number of imitators. However, if it is just a poor imitation of the surface and model, and the popularity of it, while ignoring the content of the game itself and the value it brings to players, the result will be counterproductive. On the other hand, the emergence of a large number of competing products will also make the game experience converge, especially for this type of live-action film and television interactive games, which will accelerate the process of players' aesthetic fatigue. How to play different cards in the same "game" is also the next problem that manufacturers will face.
"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews"Done" imitation "Done!" I can also chase beautiful women! 》Steam reviews have mixed reviews

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