The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.

The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.

Author : BitTopup | Publish at : 2023-12-31 00:10:56

[The former community manager of Blizzard issued an article to denounce Cordick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" were all his fault] Less than a day after Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Cordick resigned, a Andy Belford, the former community manager of Blizzard’s “Overwatch”, issued an article to express his displeasure: I can finally break my silence and share with you a ridiculous fact. When we were planning to release Overwatch 2 on Steam, my team had already given advance warning. If we release it at this time, we will definitely be bombarded by negative reviews from players ("Overwatch 2" once occupied the first place in the negative review list). We need more resources and information to complete "Overwatch 2", but these requests were ultimately rejected. We had to make the decision to release on Steam without additional help and knowing the situation was dire, and all decisions pointed to one name: Bobby Caldick. He also said that the culture cultivated by Caudick at Activision Blizzard is to let the hardest and most tiring people do the most and dirtiest work, while the management is confused and makes meaningless decisions. They do not care about players and employees. What they want is that they only care about every quarterly earnings report. Just yesterday, Bobby Caudick resigned from Blizzard and stepped down as CEO. The subsequent work was handed over to Microsoft Studios President Matt Booty.
The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.The former Blizzard community manager issued a message to denounce Caudick, saying that the negative reviews of the Steam version of "Overwatch 2" are all his fault.

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