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Astra: Knights of Veda
कैसे रिचार्ज करें Astra: Knights of Veda

Astra: Knights of Veda

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Astra: Knights of Veda

रिचार्ज जानकारी

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कैसे रिचार्ज करें Astra: Knights of Veda 60 Rubies

60 Rubies

USD 0.95

USD 1.08


USD 0.95

छूट: 20.0% off


About ASTRA: Knights of Veda

A Timeless Fantasy Unfolds

Fantasy is inherently brutal, yet therein lies its haunting beauty. ASTRA: Knights of Veda soars beyond the boundaries of fantasy as you know it.

The continent wilts under the tyranny of 'Mad King' Magnus, shrouded in death and anguish. Guided by Veda's wings, the new 'Master of the Book' steps out into the darkness. Embark on an adventure through a world filled with mystery and allure, and turn the pages of a grand tale of fate entwined.

How to top-up ASTRA: Knights of Veda Ruby?

  1. Select the Ruby denomination.
  2. Enter your IMID and Server.
  3. Check out and select your payment method.
  4. Once payment made, ASTRA: Knights of Veda Ruby will credited to your account shortly.

How to find ASTRA: Knights of Veda Ruby Server and IMID?

  1. Log in to the game using your account.
  2. On the main interface, look for the Server icon located in the top right corner and tap on it. This will display the server you are currently connected to.
  3. Next, tap on the profile icon located in the top left corner of the screen.
  4. On the profile interface, locate and tap on the Setting icon.
  5. In the Settings menu, click on the "Account" option.
  6. Your IMID (account ID) will be displayed on the Account page.

How to recharge Astra: Knights of Veda

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Victoria Bernier
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Alvin Haley-Dickinson
Great site, very reliable for all my top-up needs.
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Peter Lowe
Easy to use and very fast, perfect for recharges.

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आमतौर पर, ऑर्डर कुछ ही मिनटों में पूरा हो जाएगा। यदि कोई देरी होती है, तो कृपया हमारी ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें।

बिटटॉपअप क्या है?

बिटटॉपअप एक ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म है जो गेम्स और सेवाओं को सुरक्षित रूप से तेजी से टॉप अप करने के लिए है।

ग्राहक सेवा के घंटे?

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