The daily life of Gekkokan Academy is about to begin! "Persona 3: Reload" campus life introduction video released
The daily life of Gekkokan Academy is about to begin! "Persona 3: Reload" campus life introduction video released
Author : BitTopup | Publish at : 2023/12/26
【The daily life of Gekkokan Academy is about to begin! "Persona 3: Reload" Campus Life Introduction Video Announced] Atlus today released the "Persona 3: Reload" campus life introduction video, which demonstrates the upcoming Gekkokan Academy life. It includes classes, club activities, daily life after school, part-time work, dormitory life, holidays, etc. Players will meet and form bonds with many characters here. "Persona 3: Reload" will be launched on PS4/PS5/Xbox Series/Xbox One/PC on February 2, 2024. The game supports Chinese and will be launched on XGP.