The map size of "The Witcher 4" is roughly the same as that of the previous game
The map size of "The Witcher 4" is roughly the same as that of the previous game
Author : BitTopup | Publish at : 2024/12/18
[The map size of "The Witcher 4" is roughly the same as that of the previous game] The "Witcher 4" development team was recently asked on a blog show about the issue of "the map size of the new game" that players are concerned about. Director Sebastian Kalemba said it will be roughly the same as The Witcher 3. Kalemba pointed out that data cannot fully reflect the scale of the game, and he does not want to be a slave to the numbers. For example, based on experience, the team previously predicted that the play time of "Hearts of Stone" would be 5 to 10 hours and that of "Blood and Wine" would be 10 to 15 hours, but the actual results were much higher. Although Kalemba did not give a specific number for the size of the map in "The Witcher 4", he emphasized that the scale of the new game will be huge. The team pursues quality rather than quantity, and providing the best gaming experience is the ultimate goal. In "The Witcher 4", players will play as Ciri and start her adventure in a cruel dark fantasy world. The release date of the game has not yet been announced.